Business Need

Elevating Awareness, Enhancing Security

At Orlox, we believe that cybersecurity is not only about installing the right tools, but also about using them effectively. That’s why we offer knowledge transfer workshops that help your technical staff master the security solutions we implement for your organization. Our workshops are designed to match the skill level and learning objectives of your IT specialists, so they can gain the confidence and competence to handle the security challenges of the future.

How Orlox Cultivates a Security-Savvy Workforce

Efficiency-First Security Tooling

Orlox equips technical teams with the essential security tools, emphasizing their efficient integration and use to ensure seamless security management without excessive overhead.

Autonomy in Security Practices

We streamline the process of adopting security measures, ensuring technical personnel have the knowledge and resources to implement and manage these autonomously.

Resource-Light Security Maintenance

Orlox supports technical teams with concise, effective updates and tools that enable them to stay ahead of security threats without burdening their workload or resources.

“Short quote – lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”

Sarah Van Rossem - Security Lead

Build a Foundation of Security Through Knowledge

With Orlox, transform your workforce into a vigilant, informed, and proactive participant in your cybersecurity framework. Discover how our comprehensive security awareness programs can fortify your defenses from the inside out. Let’s turn awareness into action together.

Kristof Laerenbergh - Managing Partner

Kristof Laerenbergh
Managing Partner


Discover Our Services

At Orlox, we understand the challenges of securing your Microsoft environment. Whether you need end-to-end security or specific services for one domain, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.

We offer both advisory and support services, tailored to your needs and budget.